Market Update

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September 2018

The dollar Broad Index posted a reading of 100.92 for September, up 1.7% month on month. On a twelve moving average, (12MMA) year on year, (y/y) comparison, the dollar was down 1.6% against the Broad Index.

July 2018

The total tonnage for the week ending July 14th was 1,783 million tons, (Mt) at a capacity utilization rate of 776.1%. For the first 28 weeks of 2018, total tonnage output was 49,435 Mt, at an average capacity utilization rate of 75.5%.

The total number of operating rigs in the U.S. the week as of July 13th was 1,054 with 863 oil rigs and 189 gas. In percentage terms, on a month on month, (m/m) basis, oil rigs were relatively flat, (+2 rigs) as gas rigs decreased by 2.3% (-5 rigs).

June 2018

The Consumer confidence index increased by 2.4 points in May according to the Conference Board. The index now stands at 128.0.

The dollar Broad Index posted a reading of 97.95 for May, up 2.7% month on month. On a twelve moving average, (12MMA) year on year, (y/y) comparison, the dollar was down 1.6% against the Broad Index.

In May there were good gains in both construction and manufacturing. The total number of seasonally adjusted (SA), non-farm people employed in the U.S. in May was 148.662 million (M), a relatively flat increase of 0.15% month on month, (m/m). Over the past 12 months the U.S.



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