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March 2018

Wire Rod licenses for the month of March through the 13th, totaled 13,810 tons, 93% lower than March 2017. On a YTD basis licensed import volume was 237,763 tons, 52% less than the 495,986 tons YTD 2017. Three HTS codes are includes in this analysis.

Beam licenses through March 13th totaled just 4,300 tons, down 37,128 tons or 89.6% from last March’s total of 41,428 tons. Year to date, (YTD) beam import license volume through March 13th totaled 68,856 ton, vs. 105,008 tons YTD 2017 and 147,163 tons YTD 2016.

Total SBQ licenses year to date, (YTD) through March 13th totaled 81,716 tons, down 16% from the YTD 2017 total of 97,035 tons. Thus far in March, 9,202 tons of licenses have been requested, down 74% from the 34,995 tons in March 2017.

The total tonnage for the week ending March 3rd was 1,834 million tons, (Mt) at a capacity utilization rate of 78.7%. This was the highest capacity utilization rate since the week of September 20, 2014 and can be attributed to the pending 25% steel tariff proposed by president Trump.

For the 12 months ending January 2018, U.S. mill shipments of long products increased by 6.4% year on year, (y/y). U.S. domestic consumption of long products increased by 0.6% over the same timeframe.

U.S. national Portland cement shipments in December totaled 6.71 million, (Mt) short tons. For the three months total (3MMT), ending December, cement shipments were up 3.3% year on year, (y/y). Five of the nine census regions posted higher 3MMT cement shipments y/y.



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