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March 2018

Total non-seasonally adjusted, (NSA) nonfarm payroll employment increased by 313,000 in February and the December and January figures were revised higher, to 175,000 and 239,000 respectfully. A total of 148,177,000 people were employed in non-farm jobs as the unemployment rate held steady accordi

Consumer credit continued to climb but the pace of growth has slowed somewhat. Total consumer credit increased by $13.9 billion, (B) in January, well below the consensus estimate of $17.8B.

The Baltic Dry Index (BDI), for February tumbled 123 points to 1,125 month on month (m/m), a 10% decline. Changes on a m/m comparison can be exhibit wild swings as was the case in February. Looked at on a three month moving average, (3MMA) comparison the BDI fell 7.7% to 1,309 m/m.

The dollar Broad Index posted a reading of 94.05 for February, up 0.4% month on month yet still close to its lowest level in two years.

Active U.S. rigs climbed for the sixth week in a row per Baker Hughes. The total number of operating rigs in the U.S. the week as of March 2nd was 981, 800 oil and 181 gas.

February 2018

The pace of U.S. economic growth moved sideways in January as the CFNAI ticked down +0.12 from a +0.14 score in December. On a three month moving average, (3MMA) basis the CFNAI fell-back to +0.17.



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