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May 2018

The total tonnage for the week ending May 5th was 1,779 million tons, (Mt) at a capacity utilization rate of 75.9%. For the first 18 weeks of 2018, total tonnage output was 31,748 Mt, at an average capacity utilization rate of 75.6%.

Worldsteel Association (WSA) reports that global crude steel production totaled 148.33 million tonnes (Mt) at a capacity utilization rate, (CUR) of 74.5% in March. Production was down by 15.944 Mt month on month but the CUR was up 0.9 percentage points over February.

April 2018

Beam licenses for the month of April through the 24th, totaled 41,079 tons, 31.8% lower than the year to date. Two HTS codes are includes in this analysis. The largest contributor is Wide Flange Beams, which accounts for 82.3% of the total.

The total tonnage for the week ending April 7th was 1,805 million tons, (Mt) at a capacity utilization rate of 77.0%. For the first 14 weeks of 2018, total tonnage output was 24,643 Mt, at a capacity utilization rate of 75.5%. In 2017, the same 12 weeks production total was 24,254 Mt at 73.2%.

The total tonnage for the week ending March 31st was 1,776 million tons, (Mt) at a capacity utilization rate of 76.2%. For the first 13 weeks of 2018, total tonnage output was 22,838 Mt, at an average capacity utilization rate of 75.4%.

March 2018

For the 12 months ending February 2018, U.S. mill shipments of long products increased by 6.2% year on year, (y/y). U.S. domestic consumption of long products increased by 0.1% over the same timeframe.



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