U.S. Beam Import Licenses

Beam licenses for the month of April through the 24th, totaled 41,079 tons, 31.8% lower than the year to date. Two HTS codes are includes in this analysis. The largest contributor is Wide Flange Beams, which accounts for 82.3% of the total. Standard beams/others makes-up the balance, accounting for the remaining 17.7%.

beam-licenses-fig1Figure 1 shows total Beam licenses through April for both 2017 and 2018 as reported by the Steel Import Monitoring System (SIMA). April licenses to date are 11.8% lower than in the previous month.

Figure 2 beam-licenses-fig2charts the YTD license request total by country for 2017 and 2018. The top five countries for beams license requests came from Korea, Taiwan, and Luxemburg. Korea’s license requests through April 24th totaled 46,315 tons, (+40.9%) YTD y/y. Taiwan has requested 36,405 tons of licenses thus far in April, up drastically at 289.7% (or 27,063 tons) from its YTD. Luxemburg’s licenses YTD are at 29,044, down 43.9% YTD y/y. Mexico’s license requests YTD were 16,741, up 108% or 8,697 tons YTD y/y. Canada requested 10,581 licenses YTD, up 65% YTD y/y.

The top five exporting countries (including: Korea, Canada, Mexico, Luxemburg, and Taiwan), of beams to the U.S. combined to ship 99.4% of all total tons for the month of April alone and 90.9% of the total tons YTD, The combined 2018 YTD license requests through April 24th was for 153,079 tons, down 6.4% from the 2017 YTD license requests of 163,605 tons.

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