Market Update

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June 2018

Data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), shows that total light (cars and light truck/SUVs), vehicle sales in April were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate, (SAAR) of 12.346 million (M), units, down 55,000 units or 0.4% from March.

May 2018

The Baltic Dry Index (BDI), for April tumbled 286 points to 1,341 month on month (m/m), a 27% decline, and currently averages 1,363 thru May 22nd. Changes on an m/m comparison can be exhibit wild swings as was the case in April.

The dollar Broad Index posted a reading of 95.2 for April, relatively flat month on month yet still close to its lowest level in since July of 2015.

For the month of April, there were good gains in both construction and manufacturing. The total number of seasonally adjusted (SA), non-farm people employed in the U.S. in April was 148.424 million (M), an increase of 0.11% month on month, (m/m).

April 2018

In March there were good gains in both construction and manufacturing. The total number of seasonally adjusted (SA), non-farm people employed in the U.S. in March was 148.230 million (M), a relatively flat increase of 0.07% month on month, (m/m). Over the past 12 months the U.S.

The total number of operating rigs in the U.S. the week as of March 6th was 1,003,000 oil and 194 gas. In percentage terms, on a month on month, (m/m) basis, oil rigs were up 2.2%, (+22 rigs) and gas up 7.2% (+13 rigs).



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