U.S. Reinforcing Steel Import Licenses

Rebar licenses through January 24th totaled 97,878 tons, about one half of the January 2017 level of 200,442 tons. Straight lengths accounts for all but 22 tons of the licensed import thus far this month. Overall rebar import licensed tons in 2017 were lower than in 2016. The 2016 total was 2.142 million, (M), 0.625M or 29.2% greater than the 1.517M level in 2017.

rebar-licenses-fig1Figure 1 shows the monthly total Rebar licenses from February 2017 through January 2018 along with the previous year’s value. The data source is from the Steel Import Monitoring System, (SIMA).

Figure 2rebar-licenses-fig2 charts rebar licenses through January 24th for 2018, along with January 2017 by country.

For January to date, Turkey’s license requests totaled 90,430 tons down from 171,325 tons from January 2017, (-47.2%). For the calendar year 2017, Turkey’s licensed 0.891M tons of rebar. For 2016, the total was 1.514M The year on year, (y/y) differential was 0.622M tons or 41.1%. In 2017, Turkish material YTD accounted for 58.8% of all rebar licenses, down substantially from the 70.7% ratio in 2016.

Five other countries licensed rebar through January 24th including; the Dominion Republic with 3,121 tons, climbing 40.6% from last January’s 2,119 tons. Mexico with 2,936 tons, up from just 83 tons in January 2016. Canada booked 840 tons, up from 68 tons y/y. Germany licensed 330 tons, a bit higher than the 286 tons licensed in January 2016. Italy licensed 19 tons for January 2018 up from zero tons a year ago.

The $AUV per ton increased throughout the year, rising from $382 per ton in January 2017 to $529 per ton in December. Pricing rolled-back to $502 per ton average in January 2018.

At Gerdau we closely follow trade in long products steel since it has a profound impact on domestic market share and material pricing. We want you, our valued customers to have access to current information that can help you better plan and operate your businesses.






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