ISM Non-Manufacturing Index

ISM Non-Manufacturing Index: The Institute for Supply Management’s non-manufacturing index decreased by 2.4 points month on month (-3.9% m/m) to 59.9 in January 2022.

The ISM non-manufacturing survey measures the rate and direction of change in activity in non-manufacturing industries. Surveys are sent to more than 400 purchasing managers in 18 industries. Survey responses reflect the change in the current month compared with the previous month. A value of 50 is neutral, while less than 50 denotes contracting non-manufacturing activity and greater than 50 denotes expanding activity.


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Figure 1 breaks down the composite index and sub-indexes. The business activity sub-index was high this month at 59.9, while the imports sub-index was 51.1.

The 15 services industries reporting growth in January — listed in order — are: Construction; Retail Trade; Health Care & Social Assistance; Public Administration; Real Estate, Rental & Leasing; Utilities; Professional, Scientific & Technical Services; Other Services; Educational Services; Finance & Insurance; Mining; Management of Companies & Support Services; Transportation & Warehousing; Wholesale Trade; and Accommodation & Food Services. The three industries reporting a decrease in January are: Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting; Arts, Entertainment & Recreation; and Information.

“Costs have escalated to what we believe are unsustainable levels. Available labor is nonexistent, so we have cut staffing and are taking on fewer projects temporarily in an attempt to reduce cost. Outsourcing where possible. We are not optimistic at this time.” [Construction]

At Gerdau, we closely monitor the ISM non-manufacturing index since it is an excellent barometer of the present strength, as well as a window on the likely short-run future, of the U.S. non-manufacturing economy. We have seen that a strengthening non-manufacturing economy translates to improved steel consumption.



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