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Market Update
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May 2024
U.S. Capacity Utilization was 78.7% in December, down 0.4% month on month (m/m). Mexico Capacity Utilization was 75.4% in December, down 3.0% month on month (m/m). Canada Capacity Utilization was 78.7% in December, down 0.1% quarter on quarter (q/q).
April 2024
U.S. Steel Rebar Final Imports: Final rebar imports to the U.S. came in at 113,848 tons for the month of February 2024, up 155% m/m. Algeria was the largest exporter of rebar with 36,215 tons this month (32%). The Houston-Galveston, TX port was the largest receiver of rebar this month, receiving 61,715 tons.
U.S. Steel Merchant Final Imports: Final merchant imports to the U.S. came in at 43,233 tons in February 2024, decreasing 24% month over month (m/m). Mexico was the largest exporter to the U.S. with 23,121 tons; Canadian imports came in at 16,148 tons. Laredo, TX was the largest receiver of merchants this month, receiving 17,912 tons of the total.
U.S. Fabricated Beam Final Imports: Final fabricated beam imports to the U.S. came in at 51,049 tons in February 2024, decreasing 12% month over month (m/m). Mexico was the largest exporter of fabricated beams with 12,342 tons this month (24%). The Laredo, TX port was the largest receiver of fabricated beams this month, receiving 8,810 tons.
U.S. Steel Beam Final Imports: Final beam imports to the U.S. came in at 48,005 tons for February 2024, up 48% since last month. South Korea was the largest exporter of beams with 19,014 tons this month (40%). The Houston-Galveston, TX port was the largest receiver of beams this month, receiving 22,658 tons.
U.S. Steel Capacity Utilization: The total tonnage for the week ending March 30th was 1.722 million net tons, at a capacity utilization rate of 77.5%. The year-to-date tonnage output is 22.217 million net tons, at an average capacity utilization rate of 76.9%. In 2023, the same output total was 19.806 million net tons, at an average capacity utilization of 73.8%.