Market Update

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July 2020

U.S. Steel Capacity Utilization: The total tonnage for the week ending June 27th was 1,240 million net tons, at a capacity utilization rate of 55.4%. The year to date tonnage output is 40,627 million net tons, at an average capacity utilization rate of 68.1%. In 2019, the same output total was 49,476 million net tons, at an average capacity utilization of 81.6%.
Oil & Gas Rotary Rig Counts: The total number of operating rigs in the U.S. the week as of June 26th was 188 oil and 75 gas (totaling 263). In percentage terms, on a month on month, (m/m) basis, oil rigs were down 15.3% and gas down 2.6%. On a year on year, (y/y) comparison, rigs were down 76.3% for oil and down 56.6% for gas. The combined figure for YoY was -72.6% or -702 rigs.

June 2020

U.S. Steel Capacity Utilization: The total tonnage for the week ending June 6th was 1,195 million net tons, at a capacity utilization rate of 53.3%. The year to date tonnage output is 36,953 million net tons, at an average capacity utilization rate of 69.9%. In 2019, the same output total was 41,990 million net tons, at an average capacity utilization of 81.8%.
Advanced Durable Goods Orders: The U.S. Census Bureau reported that; new orders for durable goods orders decreased by 17.2% month on month, (m/m) in April, following the 16.6% decrease in March. The always-volatile nondefense aircraft orders, decreasing (N/A)% m/m and down 119.9% y/y influenced this trend significantly.

April 2020

Oil and Gas Rotary Rig CountsThe total number of operating rigs in the U.S. the week as of April 3rd was 563 oil and 100 gas (totaling 663). In percentage terms, on a month on month, (m/m) basis, oil rigs were down 17.6% and gas down 8.3%.

March 2020

Advanced Durable Goods Orders: The U.S. Census Bureau reported that; new orders for durable goods orders decreased by 0.2% month on month, (m/m) in January, following the 2.9% increase in December.



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